Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Just the Two of Us!

Happy Birthday Maliya!

My cute niece Maliya turned two last Saturday. We celebrated with a princess party on Friday night. Maliya was so cute opening her presents. Every time she would open one she would say "oooh cute"! She has such a fun personality and is getting so big! We love you Maliya bug!

Maliya and I

Playing in her cake

Maliya got this dog on wheels for her b-day. She loved it! She pulled it around for the rest of the night. Amoree liked it too. So we chased Maliya around. They both thought it was a fun game!

Cute Tag boy

Princess Amoree

Jake and I

I am still working on our pics from NYC. I am about half way done getting all the pictures on there. I am just getting way to impatient. So stay tuned.


Annie said...

What cute kids!

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